Senin, 11 Februari 2013


Need conversation in English? Here, take a look. But, I'm sorry if there's something wrong. ^////^


          At Friday evening, Sheila goes to the Fashion Shop near her house. She goes there on foot. There, she meets her classmate, Clara. Her house is near the shop too.

Sheila                :  “Clara, glad to see you here,”
Clara                  :  “Me too, Sheila,”
Sheila                :  “Are you alone here?”
Clara                  :  “No, I’m not. I’m here with my sister,”
Sheila                :  “Your sister, Maggy? I want to meet her, where is she?”
Clara                  :  “I’ll call her. Wait here.”
A few seconds later . . .
Maggy               :  “Hello, Sheila! Nice to meet you,”
Sheila                :  “Hi, Maggy! Nice to meet you too,”
Clara                  :  “Anyway, Maggy, have you choose your favorite clothes?”
Maggy               :  “No, I haven’t, Clara. I’m confused.”
Sheila                :  “Let me help you, Maggy.”
Maggy               :  “Well, then let’s choose!”
Sheila                :  “Hey, Maggy, don’t you think this dress is great?”
Maggy               :  “Wow, what a nice dress!”
Clara                  :  “I totally agree with you,”
Maggy               :  “Clara, I want to buy this dress.”
Clara                  :  “Okay, okay, let’s pay it. Sheila, can you wait for us here?”
Sheila                :  “Yes, no problem.
Clara and Maggy are going to the cashier to pay the dress.
Maggy               :  “Sheila, thank you very much for your help.”
Sheila                :  “Never mind, Maggy.”
Clara                  :  “Hey, the day is over. I think we should go home now,”
Sheila                :  “You’re right! So, let’s go home together!”
At the street, they talk about their school assignment. Suddenly . . .
Sheila                :  “Hey, wait a minute!”
Clara                  :  “What’s up, Sheila?”
Sheila                :  “Why… why were this happened to me?!”
Maggy               :  “Sheila, What’s happened?”
Sheila                :  “I… I totally forgot to buy clothes for myself!!”
Clara & Maggy :  “WHAT????!!”

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